Chapter One
In some empty hall, my brother is still singing. His voice hasn't dampened yet. Not altogether. The rooms where he sang still hold an impression, their walls dimpled with his sound, awaiting some future phonograph capable of replaying them.
My brother Jonah stands fixed, leaning against a piano. He's just twenty. The sixties have only begun. The country still dozes in its last pretended innocence. No one has heard of Jonah Strom but our family, what's left of it. We've come to Durham, North Carolina, the old music building at Duke. He has made it to the finals of a national vocal competition he'll later deny ever having entered. Jonah stands alone, just right of center stage. My brother towers in place, listing a little, backing up into the crook of the grand piano, his only safety. He curls forward, the scroll on a reticent cello. Left hand steadies him against the piano edge, while right hand cups in front of him, holding some letter, now oddly lost. He grins at the odds against being here, breathes in, and sings.
One moment, the Erl-King is hunched on my brother's shoulder, whispering a blessed death. In the next, a trapdoor opens up in the air and my brother is elsewhere, teasing out Dowland of all things, a bit of ravishing sass for this stunned lieder crowd, who can't grasp the web that slips over them:
魔王が兄の肩にとまり、耳元で至福の死をささやいている。と思ったとたん、跳ね上げ戸が空中でばたんと開き、兄は姿をくらます。彼が引き出そうとしてい るのはよりによってダウランド[ジョン・ダウランド 1563-1626 イギリスの作曲家]だ。ドイツ歌曲(リート)を聴きに来た聴衆たちに対する魅惑的で生意気な挑戦。頭上に降り掛かってくる網を理解することができず、皆呆 然としている。
Time stands still with gazing on her face,
Stand still and gaze for minutes, hours, and years to her give place.
All other things shall change, but she remains the same,
Till heavens changed have their course and time hath lost his name.
Two stanzas, and his tune is done. Silence hangs over the hall. It drifts above the seats like a balloon across the horizon. For two downbeats, even breathing is a crime. Then there's no surviving this surprise except by applauding it away. The noisy gratitude of hands starts time up again, sending the dart to its target and my brother on to the things that will finish him.
This is how I see him, although he'll live another third of a century. This is the moment when the world first finds him out, the night I hear where his voice is headed. I'm up onstage, too, at the battered Steinway with its caramel action. I accompany him, trying to keep up, trying not to listen to that siren voice that says, Stop your fingers, crash your boat on the reef of keys, and die in peace.
Though I make no fatal fumbles, that night is not my proudest as a musician. After the concert, I'll ask my brother again to let me go, to find an accompanist who can do him justice. And again he'll refuse. "I already have one, Joey."
I'm there, up onstage with him. But at the same time, I'm down in the hall, in the place I always sit at concerts: eight rows back, just inside the left aisle. I sit where I can see my own: fingers moving, where I can study my brother's face-close enough to see everything, but far enough to survive seeing.
私は兄とともに舞台上にいる。だが、同時に、私は客席にもいる。いつも座っている場所。前から八列目。左の通路から少し中央に入ったところだ。私は自分の 指使いがよく見え、なおかつ兄の顔がよく見える地点に腰を下ろす。近すぎず遠すぎず。何もかもはっきり見えるが、かといってそれを見て死んでしまうほどの 至近距離というわけでもない。
Stage fright ought to paralyze us. Backstage is a single bleeding ulcer. Performers who've spent their whole youth training for this moment now prepare to spend their old age explaining why it didn't go as planned. The hall fills with venom and envy, families who've traveled hundreds of miles to see their lives' pride reduced to runner-up. My brother alone is fearless. He has already paid. This public contest has nothing to do with music. Music means those years of harmonizing together, still in the shell of our family, before that shell broke open and burned. Jonah glides through the backstage fright, the dressing rooms full of well-bred nausea, on a cloud, as though through a dress rehearsal for a performance already canceled. Onstage, against this sea of panic, his calm electrifies. The drape of his hand on the piano's black enamel ravishes his listeners, the essence of his sound before he even makes one.
I see him on this night of his first open triumph, from four decades on. He still has that softness around his eyes that later life will crack and line. His jaw quakes a little on Dowland's quarter notes, but the notes do not. He drops his head toward his right shoulder as he lifts to the high C, shrinking from his entranced listeners. The face shudders, a look only I can see, from my perch behind the piano. The broken-ridged bridge of his nose, his bruised brown lips, the two bumps of bone riding his eyes: almost my own face, but keener, a year older, a shade lighter. That breakaway shade: the public record of our family's private crime.
My brother sings to save the good and make the wicked take their own lives. At twenty, he's already intimate with both. This is the source of his resonance, the sound that holds his audience stilled for a few stopped seconds before they can bring themselves to clap. In the soar of that voice, they hear the rift it floats over.
The year is a snowy black-and-white signal coming in on rabbit ears. The world of our childhood-the A-rationing, radio-fed world pitched in that final war against evil-falls away into a Kodak tableau. A man has flown in space. Astronomers pick up pulses from starlike objects. Across the globe, the United States draws to an inside straight. Berlin's tinderbox is ready to flash at any moment. Southeast Asia smolders, nothing but a curl of smoke coming from the banana leaves. At home, a rash of babies piles up behind the viewing glass of maternity hospitals from Bar Harbor to San Diego. Our hatless boy president plays touch football on the White House lawn. The continent is awash in spies, beatniks, and major appliances. Montgomery hits the fifth year of an impasse that won't occur to me until five more have passed. And seven hundred unsuspecting people in Durham, North Carolina, disappear, lulled into the granite mountainside opened by Jonah's sound.
Until this night, no one has heard my brother sing but us. Now the word is out. In the applause, I watch that rust red face waver behind his smile's hasty barricade. He looks around for an offstage shadow to duck back into, but it's too late. He breaks into leaky grins and, with one practiced bow, accepts his doom.
They bring us back twice; Jonah has to drag me out the second time. Then the judges call out the winners in each range-three, two, one-as if Duke were Cape Canaveral, this music contest another Mercury launch, and America's Next Voice another Shepard or Grissom. We stand in the wings, the other tenors forming a ring around Jonah, already hating him and heaping him with praise. I fight the urge to work this group, to assure them my brother is not special, that each performer has sung as well as anyone. The others sneak glances at Jonah, studying his unstudied posture. They go over the strategy, for next time: the panache of Schubert. Then the left hook of Dowland, striving for that floating sustain above the high A. The thing they can never stand far back enough to see has already swallowed my brother whole.
My brother hangs back against the fly ropes in his concert black, appraising the choicer sopranos. Stands still and gazes. He sings to them, private encores in his mind. Everyone knows he's won, and Jonah struggles to make it mean nothing. The judges call his name. Invisible people cheer and whistle. He is their victory for democracy, and worse. Jonah turns to me, drawing out the moment. "Joey. Brother. There's got to be a more honest way to make a living." He breaks another rule by dragging me onstage with him to collect the trophy. And his first public conquest rushes to join the past.
Afterward, we move through a sea of small delights and epic disappointments. Congratulating lines form up around the winners. In ours, a woman hunched with age touches Jonah's shoulder, her eyes damp. My brother amazes me, extending his performance, as if he's really the ethereal creature she mistakes him for. "Sing forever," she says, until her caretaker whisks her off. A few well-wishers behind her, a ramrod retired colonel twitches. His face is a hostile muddle, duped in a way he can't dope out. I feel the man's righteousness, well before he reaches us, the rage we repeatedly provoke in his people simply by appearing in public. He waits out his moment in the queue, his anger's fuse shortening with this line. Reaching the front, he charges. I know what he'll say before he gets it out. He studies my brother's face like a thwarted anthropologist. "What exactly are you boys?"
The question we grew up on. The question no Strom ever figured out how to read, let alone answer. As often as I've heard it, I still seize up. Jonah and I don't even bother to exchange looks. We're old hands at annihilation. I make some motions, ready to smooth over the misunderstanding. But the man backs me off with a look that chases me from adolescence for good.
Jonah has his answer; I have mine. But he's the one in the spotlight. My brother inhales, as if we're still onstage, the smallest grace note of breath that would lead me into the downbeat. For a semiquaver, he's about to launch into "Fremd bin ich eingezogen." Instead, he pitches his reply, buffo-style, up into comic head tones:
"I am my mammy's ae bairn,
Wi' unco folk I weary, Sir ..."
His first full night of adulthood, but still a child, giddy with just being named America's Next Voice. His unaccompanied encore turns heads all around us. Jonah ignores them all. It's 1961. We're in a major university town. You can't string a guy up for high spirits. They haven't strung up anyone for high spirits in these parts for at least half a dozen years. My brother laughs through the Burns couplet, thinking to leave the colonel sheepish with eight bars of good-natured cheek. The man goes livid. He tenses and puckers, ready to wrestle Jonah to the ground. But the eager line of admirers moves him along, out the stage door, toward what the prophetic look spreading across my brother's face already knows will be a paralyzing stroke.
At the end of the conga line, our father and sister wait. This is how I see them, too, from the far side of a life. Still ours, still a family. Da grins like the lost immigrant he is. A quarter century in this country, and he still walks around like he's expecting to be detained. "You pronounciate German like a Polack. Who the hell taught you your vowels? A disgrace. Eine Schande!"
Jonah caps a hand over our father's mouth. "Shah. Da. For Christ's sake. Remind me never to take you out in public. `Polack' is an ethnic slur."
"`Polack'? You're crazy. That's what they're called, bub."
「“ポラック”がか? そんな馬鹿な。どこでもそう呼ばれているんだから。しやらくさい」
"Yeah, hub." Ruth, our mimic, nails him. Even at sixteen, she's passed for the man more than once, over the phone. "What the hell else you going to call people from Polackia?"
The crowd flinches again, that look that pretends not to. We're a moving violation of everything in their creed. But out here in classically trained public, they keep that major-key smile. They push on to the other winners, leaving us, for a last moment, once again our own safe nation. Father and eldest son reel about on the remnants of Schubert still hanging about the emptied hall. They lean on each other's shoulders. "Trust me," the older one tells the younger. "I've known a few Polacks in my day. I almost married one."
"I could have been a Polack?"
"A near Polack. A counterfactual Polack."
"A Polack in one of many alternate universes?"
They babble to each other, the shorthand jokes of his profession. Clowning for the one none of us will name this night, the one to whom we offer every note of our contest prize. Ruth stands in the stage footlights, almost auburn, but otherwise the sole keeper of our mother's features in this world. My mother, the woman my father almost didn't marry, a woman more and longer American than anyone in this hall tonight.
"You did good, too, Joey," my little sister makes sure to tell me. "You know. Perfect and all." I hug her for her lie, and she glows under my grasp, a ready jewel. We wander back to Da and Jonah. Assembled again: the surviving four-fifths of the Strom family chorale.
But Da and Jonah don't need either of us accompanists. Da has hold of the Erl-King motif, and Jonah thumps along, his three-and-a-half-octave voice dropping into bass to whack at his imitation piano's left hand. He hums the way he wanted me to play it. The way it ought to be played, in heaven's headliner series. Ruth and I draw near, despite ourselves, to add the inner lines. People smile as they pass, in pity or shame, some imagined difference. But Jonah is the evening's rising star, momentarily beyond scorn.
The audience this night will claim they heard him. They'll tell their children how that chasm opened up, how the floor dropped out of the old Duke concert hall and left them hanging in the vacuum they thought it was music's job to fill. But the person they'll recall won't be my brother. They'll tell of sitting up in their seats at the first sound of that transmuting voice. But the voice they'll remember won't be his.
His growing band of listeners will chase Jonah's performances, prize his tickets, follow his career even into those last, decoupled years. Connoisseurs will search down his records, mistaking the voice on the disk for his. My brother's sound could never be recorded. He had a thing against the permanent, a hatred of being fixed that's audible in every note he ever laid down. He was Orpheus in reverse: Look forward, and all that you love will disappear.
It's 1961. Jonah Strom, America's Next Voice, is twenty. This is how I see him, forty years on, eight years older now than my older brother will ever be. The hall has emptied; my brother still sings. He sings through to the double bar, the tempo falling to nothing as it passes through the fermata's blackness, a boy singing to a mother who can no longer hear him.
That voice was so pure, it could make heads of state repent. But it sang knowing just what shape rode along behind it. And if any voice could have sent a message back to warn the past and correct the unmade future, it would have been my brother's.
But no one ever really knew that voice except his family, singing together on those postwar winter nights, with music their last line of defense against the outside and the encroaching cold. They lived in half of a three-story Jersey freestone house that had weathered over half a century to a chocolate brown, tucked up in the northwest corner of Manhattan, a neglected enclave of mixed, mottled blocks where Hamilton Heights shaded off into Washington Heights. They rented, the immigrant David Strom never trusting the future enough to own anything that wouldn't fit into a waiting suitcase.
1 転校生
MY MOTHER DROVE ME TO THE AIRPORT WITH THE windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I was wearing my favorite shirt --- sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka.
In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old. It was in this town that I'd been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen. That was the year I finally put my foot down; these past three summers, my dad, Charlie, vacationed with me in California for two weeks instead.
ママが、そのどんよりした不吉な雲におおわれた町から逃げだしたのは、あたしが生後数力月のときだった。そして十三歳まであたしは毎年、夏の一カ月をその 町ですごさなければならなかった。でも、十四歳になってようやく自分の意見を主張した。だからこの三年は、かわりにチャーリー……ううん、ちがった、パパ とカリフォルニアで落ちあって一緒に二週間の休暇をすごしてきた。
It was to Forks that I now exiled myself --- an action that I took with great horror. I detested Forks.
I loved Phoenix. I loved the sun and the blistering heat. I loved the vigorous, sprawling city.
"Bella," my mom said to me --- the last of a thousand times --- before I got on the plane. "You don't have to do this."
My mom looks like me, except with short hair and laugh lines. I felt a spasm of panic as I stared at her wide, childlike eyes. How could I leave my loving, erratic, harebrained mother to fend for herself? Of course she had Phil now, so the bills would probably get paid, there would be food in the refrigerator, gas in her car, and someone to call when she got lost, but still . . .
ショートヘアと笑いじわをべつにすれば、ママとあたしはそっくり。そのあどけない大きな瞳を見つめているうちに、心がぐらりと揺らいだ。おひとよしで、 気まぐれで、むこうみずなママを残していくなんてやっぱりできない。もちろん、いまではフィルがいてくれるから、生活費だって問題ないはずだし、冷蔵庫に は食べるものが、そして車にはガソリンがちゃんと入るだろうし、迷子になったら連絡する人もいる。でも……。
"I want to go," I lied. I'd always been a bad liar, but I'd been saying this lie so frequently lately that it sounded almost convincing now.
"Tell Charlie I said hi."
"I will."
"I'll see you soon," she insisted. "You can come home whenever you want --- I'll come right back as soon as you need me."
But I could see the sacrifice in her eyes behind the promise.
"Don't worry about me," I urged. "It'll be great. I love you, Mom."
She hugged me tightly for a minute, and then I got on the plane, and she was gone.
It's a four-hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another hour in a small plane up to Port Angeles, and then an hour drive back down to Forks. Flying doesn't bother me; the hour in the car with Charlie, though, I was a little worried about.
Charlie had really been fairly nice about the whole thing. He seemed genuinely pleased that I was coming to live with him for the first time with any degree of permanence. He'd already gotten me registered for high school and was going to help me get a car.
But it was sure to be awkward with Charlie. Neither of us was what anyone would call verbose, and I didn't know what there was to say regardless. I knew he was more than a little confused by my decision --- like my mother before me, I hadn't made a secret of my distaste for Forks.
でも、チャーリーと一緒にいるのが気まずいのに変わりはない。ふたりともおしゃべりってタイプじゃないし、どっちみち話題なんてあるのかどうか。今回の あたしの決断にチャーリーがとまどってるのもわかってる。ママと一緒で、あたしもフォークスが嫌いなのを隠してなかったから。
When I landed in Port Angeles, it was raining. I didn't see it as an omen --- just unavoidable. I'd already said my goodbyes to the sun.
Charlie was waiting for me with the cruiser. This I was expecting, too. Charlie is Police Chief Swan to the good people of Forks. My primary motivation behind buying a car, despite the scarcity of my funds, was that I refused to be driven around town in a car with red and blue lights on top. Nothing slows down traffic like a cop.
チャーリーはパトカーで出迎えてくれた。これも予想どおり。なにしろ、フォークスでは「スワン警察署長」で通っているんだもの。あんまりお金もないのにあたしが車を買おうとしてる最大の理由は、赤と青のライトをてっぺんにつけた車に乗せられて町を走るのはごめんだから。パトカーくらい、スピーディーな交通 をさまたげるものはない。
Charlie gave me an awkward, one-armed hug when I stumbled my way off the plane.
"It's good to see you, Bells," he said, smiling as he automatically caught and steadied me. "You haven't changed much. How's Renee?"
"Mom's fine. It's good to see you, too, Dad." I wasn't allowed to call him Charlie to his face.
I had only a few bags. Most of my Arizona clothes were too permeable for Washington. My mom and I had pooled our resources to supplement my winter wardrobe, but it was still scanty. It all fit easily into the trunk of the cruiser.
"I found a good car for you, really cheap," he announced when we were strapped in.
"What kind of car?" I was suspicious of the way he said "good car for you" as opposed to just "good car."
"Well, it's a truck actually, a Chevy."
"Where did you find it?"
"Do you remember Billy Black down at La Push?" La Push is the tiny Indian reservation on the coast.
"He used to go fishing with us during the summer," Charlie prompted.
That would explain why I didn't remember him. I do a good job of blocking painful, unnecessary things from my memory.
"He's in a wheelchair now," Charlie continued when I didn't respond, "so he can't drive anymore, and he offered to sell me his truck cheap."
"What year is it?" I could see from his change of expression that this was the question he was hoping I wouldn't ask.
"Well, Billy's done a lot of work on the engine --- it's only a few years old, really."
I hoped he didn't think so little of me as to believe I would give up that easily. "When did he buy it?"
"He bought it in 1984, I think."
"Did he buy it new?"
"Well, no. I think it was new in the early sixties --- or late fifties at the earliest," he admitted sheepishly.
"Ch --- Dad, I don't really know anything about cars. I wouldn't be able to fix it if anything went wrong, and I couldn't afford a mechanic. . . ."
"Really, Bella, the thing runs great. They don't build them like that anymore."
The thing, I thought to myself . . . it had possibilities --- as a nickname, at the very least.
"How cheap is cheap?" After all, that was the part I couldn't compromise on.
"Well, honey, I kind of already bought it for you. As a homecoming gift." Charlie peeked sideways at me with a hopeful expression.
The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It - Paul Collier (最底辺の10億人 最も貧しい国々のために本当になすべきことは何か? - ポール・コリアー)
Part I: What's the Issue? なにが本当の問題なのか?
Chapter 1: Falling Behind and Falling Apart: the Bottom Billion 脱落し崩壊する最底辺の一〇億人の国
Part II: The Traps これらの国を捕らえる数々の罠
Chapter 2: The Conflict Trap 紛争の罠
Chapter 3: The Natural Resource Trap 天然資源の罠
Chapter 4: Landlocked with Bad Neighbors 内陸国の罠
Chapter 5: Bad Governance in a Small Country 小国における悪いガバナンスの罠
Part III: An Interlude: Globalization to the Rescue? グローバル化がもたらしたもの
Chapter 6: On Missing the Boat: the Marginalization of the Bottom Billion in the World Economy 世界経済の中で好機を逸する最貧国
Part IV: The Instruments われわれのとるべき手段
Chapter 7: Aid to the Rescue? 救済のための援助となっているのか?
Chapter 8: Military Intervention 軍事介入
Chapter 9: Laws and Charters 法と憲章
Chapter 10: Trade 周縁化を逆転させる貿易政策
Part V: The Struggle for the Bottom Billion 最底辺の一〇億人の国にとっての戦い
Chapter 11: An Agenda for Action われわれの行動の指針
Research on Which This Book Is Based
THE THIRD WORLD has shrunk. For forty years the development challenge has been a rich world of one billion people facing a poor world of five billion people. The Millennium Development Goals established by the United Nations, which are designed to track development progress through 2015, encapsulate this thinking. By 2015, however, it will be apparent that this way of conceptualizing development has become outdated. Most of the five billion, about 80 percent, live in countries that are indeed developing often at amazing speed. The real challenge of development is that there is a group of countries at the bottom that are falling behind, and often falling apart.
The countries at the bottom coexist with the twenty-first century, but their reality is the fourteenth century: civil war, plague, ignorance. They are concentrated in Africa and Central Asia, with a scattering elsewhere. Even during the 1990s, in retrospect the golden decade between the end of the Cold War and 9/11, incomes in this group declined by 5 percent. We must learn to turn the familiar numbers upside down: a total of five billion who are already prosperous, or at least on the track to be so, and one billion who are stuck at the bottom.
This problem matters, and not just to the billion people who are living and dying in fourteenth-century conditions. It matters to us. The twenty-first-century world of material comfort, global travel, and economic interdependence will become increasingly vulnerable to these large islands of chaos. And it matters now. As the bottom billion diverges from an increasingly sophisticated world economy, integration will become harder, not easier.
And yet it is a problem denied, both by development biz and by development buzz. Development biz is run by the aid agencies and the companies that get the contracts for their projects. They will fight this thesis with tenacity of bureaucracies endangered, because they like things the way they are. A definition of development that encompasses five billion people gives them license to be everywhere, or more honestly, everywhere but the bottom billion. At the bottom, conditions are rather rough. Every development agency has difficulty getting its staff to serve in Chad and Laos; the glamour postings are for countries such as Brazil and China. The World Bank has large offices in every major middle income country but not a single person resident in the Central African Republic. So don’t expect the development biz to refocus voluntarily.
Development buzz is generated by rock stars, celebrities and NGOs. To its credit, it does focus on the plight of the bottom billion. It is thanks to development buzz that Africa gets on the agenda of the G8. But inevitably, development buzz has to keep its message simple, driven by the need for slogans, images, and anger. Unfortunately, although the plight of the bottom billion lends itself to simple moralizing, the answers do not. It is a problem that needs to be hit with several policies at the same time, some of them counterintuitive. Don’t look to development buzz to formulate such an agenda: it is at times a headless heart.
What of the governments of the countries at the bottom? The prevailing conditions bring out extremes. Leaders are sometimes psychopaths who have shot their way to power, sometimes crooks who have bought it, and sometimes brave people who, against the odds, are trying to build a better future. Even the appearance of modern government in these states is sometimes a facade, as if the leaders are reading from a script. They sit at the international negotiating tables, such as the World Trade Organization, but they have nothing to negotiate. The seats stay occupied even in the face of meltdown in their societies: the government of Somalia continued to be officially “represented” in the international arena for years after Somalia ceased to have a functioning government in the country itself. So don’t expect the governments of the bottom billion to unite in formulating a practical agenda: they are fractured between villains and heroes, and some of them are barely there. For our future world to be livable the heroes must win their struggle. But the villains have the guns and the money, and to date they have usually prevailed. That will continue unless we radically change our approach.
All societies used to be poor. Most are now lifting out of it; why are others stuck? The answer is traps. Poverty is not intrinsically a trap, otherwise we would all still be poor. Think, for a moment, of development as chutes and ladders. In the modern world of globalization there are some fabulous ladders; most societies are using them. But there are also some chutes, and some societies have hit them. The countries at the bottom are an unlucky minority, but they are stuck.
Erster Theil 第一部
Zarathustra's Vorrede ツァラトゥストラの序説
Die Reden Zarathustra's ツァラトゥストラの教説
Von den drei Verwandlungen 三段の変化
Von den Lehrstuhlen der Tugend 徳の講壇
Von den Hinterweltlern 世界の背後を説く者
Von den Verachtern des Leibes 身体の軽蔑者
Von den Freuden- und Leidenschaften 喜びの情熱と苦しみの情熱
Vom bleichen Verbrecher 蒼白の犯罪者
Vom Lesen und Schreiben 読むことと書くこと
Vom Baum am Berge 山上の木
Von den Predigern des Todes 死の説教者
Vom Krieg und Kriegsvolke 戦争と戦士
Vom neuen Gotzen 新しい偶像
Von den Fliegen des Marktes 市場の蠅
Von der Keuschheit 純潔
Vom Freunde 友
Von tausend und Einem Ziele 千の目標と一つの目標
Von der Nachstenliebe 隣人への愛
Vom Wege des Schaffenden 創造者の道
Von alten und jungen Weiblein 老いた女と若い女
Vom Biss der Natter 蝮の咬み傷
Von Kind und Ehe 子どもと結婚
Vom freien Tode 自由な死
Von der schenkenden Tugend 贈り与える徳
Zweiter Theil 第二部
Das Kind mit dem Spiegel 鏡を持った幼な子
Auf den gluckseligen Inseln 至福の島々で
Von den Mitleidigen 同情者たち
Von den Priestern 聖職者たち
Von den Tugendhaften 有職者たち
Vom Gesindel 賤民
Von den Taranteln 毒ぐもタランテラ
Von den beruhmten Weisen 名高い賢者たち
Das Nachtlied 夜の歌
Das Tanzlied 舞踏の歌
Das Grablied 墓の歌
Von der Selbst-Uberwindung 自己超克
Von den Erhabenen 悲壮な者たち
Vom Lande der Bildung 教養の国
Von der unbefleckten Erkenntniss 汚れなき認識
Von den Gelehrten 学者
Von den Dichtern 詩人
Von grossen Ereignissen 大いなる事件
Der Wahrsager 預言者
Von der Erlosing 救済
Von der Menschen-Klugheit 処世の術
Die stillste Stunde 最も静かな時
Erster Theil
Zarathustra's Vorrede.
Als Zarathustra dreissig Jahr alt war, verliess er seine Heimat und den See seiner Heimat und ging in das Gebirge. Hier genoss er seines Geistes und seiner Einsamkeit und wurde dessen zehn Jahr nicht mude. Endlich aber verwandelte sich sein Herz, - und eines Morgens stand er mit der Morgenrothe auf, trat vor die Sonne hin und sprach zu ihr also:
ツァラトゥストラは、三十歳になったとき、そのふるさとを去り、ふるさとの湖を捨てて、山奥に入った。そこでみずからの知恵を愛し、孤独を楽しんで、十 年ののちも倦むことを知らなかった。しかしついに彼の心の変わるときが来た。---ある朝、ツァラトゥストラはあかつきとともに起き、太陽を迎えて立ち、 次のように太陽に語りかけた。
"Du grosses Gestirn! Was ware dein Gluck, wenn du nicht Die hattest, welchen du leuchtest!
Zehn Jahre kamst du hier herauf zu meiner Hohle: du wurdest deines Lichtes und dieses Weges satt geworden sein, ohne mich, meinen Adler und meine Schlange.
Aber wir warteten deiner an jedem Morgen, nahmen dir deinen Uberfluss ab und segneten dich dafur.
Siehe! Ich bin meiner Weisheit uberdrussig, wie die Biene, die des Honigs zu viel gesammelt hat, ich bedarf der Hande, die sich ausstrecken.
Ich mochte verschenken und austheilen, bis die Weisen unter den Menschen wieder einmal ihrer Thorheit und die Armen einmal ihres Reichthums froh geworden sind.
Dazu muss ich in die Tiefe steigen: wie du des Abends thust, wenn du hinter das Meer gehst und noch der Unterwelt Licht bringst, du uberreiches Gestirn!
Ich muss, gleich dir, _untergehen_, wie die Menschen es nennen, zu denen ich hinab will.
So segne mich denn, du ruhiges Auge, das ohne Neid auch ein allzugrosses Gluck sehen kann!
Segne den Becher, welche uberfliessen will, dass das Wasser golden aus ihm fliesse und uberallhin den Abglanz deiner Wonne trage!
Siehe! Dieser Becher will wieder leer werden, und Zarathustra will wieder Mensch werden."
- Also begann Zarathustra's Untergang.
第一章 ハイパーグラフィア
第二章 文学的創造力と衝動
第三章 精神状態としてのライターズ・ブロック
第四章 脳の状態としてのライターズ・ブロック
第五章 どうやって書くのか---皮質
第六章 なぜ書くのか---辺縁系
第七章 暗喩、内なる声、詩神
Poets teach us to use words with special force. We may need their help in finding new ways to talk about brains.
---J.Z. Young, Programs of the Brain
A creative writer is one for whom writing is a problem.
---Roland Barthes, Writing Degree Zero
WRITING IS ONE of the supreme human achievements. No, why should I be reasonable? Writing is the supreme achievement. It is by turns exhilarating and arduous, and trying to write obsesses and distresses students, professional writers, and diarists alike. Writers explain why they write (and have trouble writing) one way; freshman composition teachers, another; literary critics and psychiatrists and neurologists have increasingly foreign explanations. These modes of thinking about the emotions that surround writing do not easily translate into one another. But one fact is always true: the mind that writes is also the brain that writes. And the existence of brain states that affect our creativity raises questions that make us uneasy. What is the relation between mind and body? What are the sources of imagination?
How can both neuroscience and literature bear on the question of what makes writers not only able to, but want to, even need to, write? How can we understand the outpouring of authors like Joyce Carol Oates or Stephen King? Why does John Updike see a blank sheet of paper as radiant, the sun rising in the morning? (As William Pritchard said of him, "He must have had an unpublished thought, but you couldn't tell it.") This compulsion seems -- and is -- an unbelievably complex psychological trait.
Yet it is not so complex that it cannot be studied. Neurologists have found that changes in a specific area of the brain can produce hypergraphia -- the medical term for an overpowering desire to write. Thinking in a counterintuitive, neurological way about what drives and frustrates literary creation can suggest new treatments for hypergraphia's more common and tormenting opposite, writer's block. Both conditions arise from complicated abnormalities of the basic biological drive to communicate. Whereas linguists and most scientists have focused primarily on writing's cognitive aspects, this book spends more time exploring the complex relationship between writing and emotion. It draws examples from literature, from my patients, and from some of my own experiences.
Evidence that ranges from Nabokov to neurochemistry, Faulkner to functional brain imaging, shows that thinking about excesses and dearths of writing can also clarify normal literary output and the mechanisms of creativity. The few current books on creativity that include a neuroscientific perspective have neglected crucial brain regions such as the temporal lobe and limbic system in favor of a still-popular -- but arguably oversimplified -- emphasis on the role of the right side of the brain.
Focusing on the importance of the brain in the drive to write helps suggest treatments for disorders of creativity that are sometimes medical. It should do so, though, without ignoring the fact that most people struggling with blocks, are not mentally ill. Concentrating on the brain structures underlying creativity provides surprising answers to such diverse questions as how we learn to write, the nature of metaphor, and even what causes the strange sensation of being visited by the muse.
丸谷才一のレビュー (毎日新聞 2008年8月10日 東京朝刊)
Tale of Two Shoes
"There are only two detectives for whom I have felt, in my own capacity as hunter-of-men, any deeply underlying sympathy . . . transcending racial idiosyncrasies and overleaping barriers of space and time. . . . These two, strangely enough, present the weird contrast of unreality, of fantasm and fact. One has achieved luminous fame between the boards of books; the other as kin to a veritable policeman. . . . I refer, of course, to those imperishables---Mr. Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street, London, and Mr. Ellery Queen of West 87th Street, New York City."
---from 30 Years on the Trail
---by Dr. Max Pejchar*
*Ed. Note: Viennese police-consultant.
INSPECTOR RICHARD QUEEN'S alter ego, which was in startling contrast with his ordinarily spry and practical old manner, often prompted him to utter didactic remarks on the general subject of criminology. These professorial dicta were habitually addressed to his son and partner-in-crime-detection, Ellery Queen, in moments when they browsed before their living-room fire, alone except for the slippery shadow of Djuna, the wraith-like gypsy lad who served their domestic needs.
"The first five minutes are the most important," the old man would say severely, "remember that." It was his favorite theme. "The first five minutes can save you a heap of trouble."
And Ellery, reared from boyhood on a diet of detectival advice, would grunt and suck his pipe and stare into the fire, wondering how often a detective was fortunate enough to be on the scene of a crime within three hundred seconds of its commission.
Here he would put his doubt into words, and the old man would nod sadly and agree---yes, it wasn't very often that such luck came one's way. By the time the investigator reached the scene the trail was cold, very cold. Then one did what one could to atone for the unsympathetic tardiness of fate. Djuna, hand me my stuff! . . .
Ellery Queen was no more the fatalist than he was the determinist, or pragmatist, or realist. His sole compromise with isms and ologies was an implicit belief in the gospel of the intellect, which has assumed many names and many endings through the history of thought. Here he swung wide of the fundamental professionalism of Inspector Queen. He despised the institution of police informers as beneath the dignity of original thinking; he pooh-poohed police methods of detection with their clumsy limitations---the limitations of any rule plagued organization. "I'm one with Kant at least to this extent," he liked to say, "that pure reason is the highest good of the human hodge-podge. For what one mind can conceive another mind can fathom . . ."
This was his philosophy in its simplest terms. He was very near to abandoning his faith during the investigation of Abigail Doorn's murder. Perhaps for the first time in his sharply uncompromising intellectual career, doubt assailed him. Not doubt of his philosophy, which had proved itself many times over in former cases, but doubt of his mental capacity to unravel what another mind had conceived. Of course he was an egoist---"bobbing my head vigorously with Descartes and Fichte," he used to remark . . . but for once in the extraordinary labyrinth of events surrounding the Doorn case he had overlooked fate, that troublesome trespasser on the private property of self-determination.
They've gone now, and I'm alone at last. I have the whole night ahead of me, and I won't waste a single moment of it. I shan't sleep it away. I won't dream it away either. I mustn't, because every moment of it will be far too precious.
I want to try to remember everything, just as it was, just as it happened. I've had nearly eighteen years of yesterdays and tomorrows, and tonight I must remember as many of them as I can. I want tonight to be long, as long as my life, not filled with fleeting dreams that rush me on towards dawn.
Tonight, more than any other night of my life, I want to feel alive.
* * *
Charlie is taking me by the hand, leading me because he knows I don't want to go. I've never worn a collar before and it's choking me. My boots are strange and heavy on my feet. My heart is heavy too, because I dread what I am going to. Charlie has told me often how terrible this school-place is: about Mr. Munnings and his raging tempers and the long whipping cane he hangs on the wall above his desk.
Big Joe doesn't have to go to school and I don't think that's fair at all. He's much older than me. He's even older than Charlie and he's never been to school. He stays at home with Mother, and sits up in his tree singing Oranges and Lemons, and laughing. Big Joe is always happy, always laughing. I wish I could be happy like him. I wish I could be at home like him. I don't want to go with Charlie. I don't want to go to school.
I look back, over my shoulder, hoping for a reprieve, hoping that Mother will come running after me and take me home. But she doesn't come and she doesn't come, and school and Mr . Munnings and his cane are getting closer with every step.
"Piggyback?" says Charlie. He sees my eyes full of tears and knows how it is. Charlie always knows how it is. He's three years older than me, so he's done everything and knows everything. He's strong, too, and very good at piggybacks. So I hop up and cling on tight, crying behind my closed eyes, trying not to whimper out loud. But I cannot hold back my sobbing for long because I know that this morning is not the beginning of anything --- not new and exciting as Mother says it is --- but rather the end of my beginning. Clinging on round Charlie's neck I know that I am living the last moments of my carefree time, that I will not be the same person when I come home this afternoon.
I open my eyes and see a dead crow hanging from thefence, his beak open. Was he shot, shot in mid-scream, as he began to sing, his raucous tune scarcely begun? He sways, his feathers still catching the wind even in death, his family and friends cawing in their grief and anger from the high elm trees above us. I am not sorry for him. It could be him that drove away my robin and emptied her nest of her eggs. My eggs. Five of them there had been, live and warm under my fingers. I remember I took them out one by one and laid them in the palm of my hand. I wanted them for my tin, to blow them like Charlie did and lay them in cotton wool with my blackbird's eggs and my pigeon's eggs. I would have taken them. But something made me draw back, made me hesitate. The robin was watching me from Father's rose bush, her black and beady eyes unblinking, begging me.
Father was in that bird s eyes. Under the rose bush, deep down, buried in the damp and wormy earth were all his precious things. Mother had put his pipe in first. Then Charlie laid his hobnail boots side by side, curled into each other, sleeping. Big Joe knelt down and covered the boots in Father's old scarf.
"Your turn, Tommo," Mother said. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was holding the gloves he'd worn the morning he died. I remembered picking one of them up. I knew what they did not know, what I could never tell them.
Mother helped me to do it in the end, so that Father's gloves lay there on top of his scarf, palms uppermost, thumbs touching. I felt those hands willing me not to do it, willing me to think again, not to take the eggs, not to take what was not mine. So I didn't do it. Instead I watched them grow, saw the first scrawny skeletal stirrings, the nest of gaping, begging beaks, the frenzied screeching at feeding time; witnessed too late from my bedroom window the last of the early-morning massacre, the parent robins watching like me, distraught and helpless, while the marauding crows made off skywards cackling, their murderous deed done. I don't like crows. I 've never liked crows. That crow hanging there on the fence got what he deserved. That's what I think.
ボブ・ディランの名曲"Blowin' In The Wind"の邦題は「風に吹かれて」だ。
"be in motion due to some air or water current"
"blow"はこのような意味を持つが、これに対して「吹かれて」の訳は、"in motion"の部分を充分に表現しきれていない。
もし「吹かれて」と訳すなら、原文は"Blow'd By The Wind"でなければならない。
Words Without Bordersで紹介されたジョスラン・デュプレの「黒き頁岩」が気になる。
この作品はフランスの雑誌『La Nouvelle Revue Francaise(ラ・ヌーベル・ルビュ・
同サイトの英訳(by Paul Curtis Daw(ポール・カーティス・ドー))を読んで興味を持った
La Nouvelle Revue Francaiseを取り扱っていない模様。